Monday, November 29, 2010

Pro and cons of real and fake christmas tree health problems

Is your holiday tradition to decorate a real tree or a fake tree? We have always had real trees, though is more recent years my mother tries to push for a fake one. Researchers have done studies to see which is the healthiest choice and the answer is still undeclared they both have their pros and cons. Fake trees are made out of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Factories that make these tries, mostly in china, produce this chemical into the air around the factory that can be a leading cause of cancer. In addition to PVC, fake trees also contain lead and other additives to make the tree more malleable. Some of these additives have been linked to liver, kidney, neurological  damage in lab studies on animals. These additives can be on the trees that dust off into the air at home and onto the present under the tree. This can not be to safe for the children. Though these cons fake trees also have a pro, these trees can last for years, which can be easier on the wallet as it is a one time price. Also there is not a tree sitting on the curb every year reducing the trees int he landfills. So many people also use real trees, which can clog up the landfills and they do not compose fast enough. These trees  can also be grown in pesticides, so when tree hunting try to make sure you are buying a tree not grown in pesticides. These trees can also be the most economically safe. you can buy a tree and then replant it in your yard, it then has two uses!
Click the link to read more Christmas trees

1 comment:

  1. I find this article interesting becasue we have always had a real tree in our house, and my dad has been wanting to get a fake, so the next time he brings it up i can throw those facts out to him.
