Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Retired NFL players @ risk for major heart related illness

Mayo Clinic
Source: American Journal of Cardiology

"We see these football players as supermen, they are the pinnacle of health (American Journal of Cardiology)." Retired NFL players maybe facing the same health issues that lead to common obesity. The major risk is the build up of fats in the carotid arteries that supply the brain with blood. These athletes are not keeping up with these intense training while being out of the NFL and it is harming their health.
Click on the links below to find more information!



  1. My concern would also be that they are developing a body that is not of normal helathy size or composition. Even if they continued to work out as they got older, how could it be healthy to be so large? Studies have shown that it is not healthy to make extreme changes in weight or exercise too quickly as they body has to have time to adapt and not be shocked. Often it is said, "Money changes everything." It fails to include the body under poor, distructive habbits.

  2. I agree with Primetime in that it is not natural to be as large as these men become to play in the NFL. Engaging in such vigorous activity, carrying that much weight around is not good for joint health. After adhering to such intense diet and workout routines for many years it will be hard to relearn and adhere to a completely different lifestyle with a different diet.

  3. I agree with Tim. It is not natural to be as large as most of these men. They are on very strict diets and work-out programs. It is bad for their health to be carrying around excess weight. It is great for them now while they are playing the sport because it helps them in the game, but once it is over, their bodies are going to have to get back to a normal work out and eating routine. This will be hard for many players because they have been used to the same routine for so long. Hopefully they will want to lead a healthy life and think about their well-being.

  4. I have always wondered what happens to these ahletes once they are retired and not completing there intense workout routines anymore. These athletes are huge, there muscle mass is much greater than that of the average gym goer. To keep that large body running they have to consume a much greater amount of calories to be be able to complete there workouts. It is interesting to read that they are at the same risks as an obese person would be when they have retired from the NFL. It makes sense because they ar no longer requiring as much calories because they are not wokring out the same. Also as they began to work out less and less there muscles overtime will decrease and there body fat will increase. Since they are already so big they have a great chance of having heart problems.I agree that getting back to normal eating and working out will be very tough for some players.
