Tuesday, November 30, 2010

health benefits of coffee

I know some mornings I need a coffee or two to get moving especially with finals rite around the corner, but how bad is drinking coffee for your health? Webmd says that there are actually some health benefits to drinking coffee. Researchers say that coffee can reduce your chance to have type 2 diabetes, dementia, and parkinsons. It is also known to reduce the case of cancer and strokes. Although this is known it is not yet proven to prevent the conditions. So yes it is a good idea to sip on a cup of coffee but in moderation.
Visit webmd for more information.

Adult obesity awareness

About 1 million adults are overweight with about 300 million of them clinically obese, and these numbers are on the rise! More adults are becoming sedentary and not being as conscious to the food the are eating and how much they are eating everyday. Many deaths are related to obesity sicknesses like stroke, diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. The leading cause of obesity is the imbalance proportion of calorie intake vs calorie expended through activity. Technology makes it difficult to loose height as well with transportation, leisure and modern technologies. Many adults are also stuck behind desks for 40 hrs a week which does not help them get exercise. An exercise routine and healthy diet should be made to help prevent obesity. You can find fun ways to get in exercise like hiking or swimming as most people do not like to visit the gym. Help your family become aware of the serious health problems obesity can lead to.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Pro and cons of real and fake christmas tree health problems

Is your holiday tradition to decorate a real tree or a fake tree? We have always had real trees, though is more recent years my mother tries to push for a fake one. Researchers have done studies to see which is the healthiest choice and the answer is still undeclared they both have their pros and cons. Fake trees are made out of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Factories that make these tries, mostly in china, produce this chemical into the air around the factory that can be a leading cause of cancer. In addition to PVC, fake trees also contain lead and other additives to make the tree more malleable. Some of these additives have been linked to liver, kidney, neurological  damage in lab studies on animals. These additives can be on the trees that dust off into the air at home and onto the present under the tree. This can not be to safe for the children. Though these cons fake trees also have a pro, these trees can last for years, which can be easier on the wallet as it is a one time price. Also there is not a tree sitting on the curb every year reducing the trees int he landfills. So many people also use real trees, which can clog up the landfills and they do not compose fast enough. These trees  can also be grown in pesticides, so when tree hunting try to make sure you are buying a tree not grown in pesticides. These trees can also be the most economically safe. you can buy a tree and then replant it in your yard, it then has two uses!
Click the link to read more Christmas trees

Super Bowl Sunday numbers will shock you!

Every year there are tons of super bowl parties to visit if you do not host your own. in the US there are 7.5 million parties held. and nearly half the population watches it. Less people vote in the presidential election! the average calorie intake for that one game is 1,200 calories. Potato chips being the most popular snack takes account for 27 billion calories and 1.8 billion grams of fat on Super Bowl Sunday alone. 1.5 million televisions are bought the week before the super bowl. There are 30 million lbs of the five popular snack foods (chips, pretzels, popcorn, nuts, and corn chips). 28 percent increase in number of fatal heart attacks among men on days when their football team lost at home.
These number were definitely a shock to me. This year for Superbowl I plan on contributing a more healthier snack to friends. Make fun healthy snacks for your super bowl party and bring down these outrageous numbers!

15alternative remedies for back pain

Alternative medicine is on the rise. I am sure that more than half this class suffers from back pain, either it be from sitting in bed hunched over your lap top, sitting at the library for hours studing or even from sport injuries. Using alternative medicine there are 15 ways to help back pain.
2.vitamin D
3.Capsaicin cream
4.music therapy
5.vitamin B12
7.willow bark
9.bowen therapy
10.breathing techniques
13.massage therapy
14.prolo therapy
15.alexander technique

Hazing in sports

              Did your high school teams participate in hazing every year? I know mine did. This year will be the last year of hazing for Agawam High because the football team have finally been caught. Though this is just a high school this was not taken lightly. This got on the local news and made it to the boston barstool. These kids were not doing much but some reckless fun in some eyes, but hazing is against the law, no matter what. There were speculations that Agawam High would not be able to participate in the Thanksgiving game although they ended up still playing. The bon fire the previous night how ever was cancelled which was always a high light to the kids. Every player was also banned from playing. Hazing is something that is not taken lightly and can get out of hands very easily, there have been many incidents where death was the end result. So think again if you happen to be guilty of this.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Stadium kitchens fail health inspections

Shockingly when you visit a stadium you can worry less about the junk you consume and worry more if that vendor has failed the health inspections, and why. Many stadium in the US have failed the health the health inspection test for the year. If it be from excessive rodents and droppings to meat kept at the wrong temperature, I would be aware of the food you eat. These part time employees working in small spaces and pressured to pump out food very fast often over look common problems. Visit this site to find out how bad your favorite stadium ranked. stadium concessions you should think twice about visiting 
Was this cooked in/around mice droppings?